Graphic Design
These courses will deal with the fundamentals of generating two-dimensional design as a specific visual communications tool. The underlying premise of these courses is the making of art and design intended for specific messages. This discipline differs from the limitless boundaries of fine art where the message is made purely as personal expression. In the graphic design industry, the maker is challenged to communicate a specific message to a viewer or multiple viewers (audience).
The study of graphic design will develop necessary skills and experiences with both the making and the reading of visual languages.
Skills alone do not make one a graphic designer. Design is based on communicating a concept or idea to one or many people. A student's skills will develop through their understanding and appreciation of applied concepts and visual relationships. It is the intention of these classes to get students to not only learn the skills and methods of graphic design, but to instill in each student a perspective from which they will see the world around them in a new, more interesting and more intelligent way.
Studio: 6 hours
Graphic Design I ARTS 1710
The objective emphasized during the study of graphic design is to gain a clear understanding
of the basic principles of design as applied to visual communication.
Students will pursue a combined exploration of graphic representation and typographic fundamentals with electronic and traditional media, tools, skills, and methodology.
Studio: 6 hours
- None
Graphic Design II ARTS 1720
This course involves more advanced development of concepts introduced in Graphic Design
I. The course explores creative image making using both traditional and electronic
means. It also emphasizes and expands a student's typographic development within a
variety of visual formats.
Projects provide experience with illustration, elements of book design, product design, logo design, poster design and/or the design of visual systems.
Studio: 6 hours
- ARTS 1710 or permission of instructor
Interactive Media Design ARTS 2840
This course explores the relationship between design and interactivity (UI) through
web-based interfaces. Students will learn how the elements and principles of design
impact the user experience (UX) while producing projects for computers and mobile
devices using current technologies and practices.
Studio: 6 hours
- None
Current Exhibitions
Mudslingers: Wood Fire Ceramics
- Exhibition Dates: February 10th to February 20th, Reception 4-6 pm, Wednesday, February 20th
- The Knight Campus Art Gallery is located at 400 East Ave. Warwick, RI 02886 Room 3500, on the third floor of the round building (Enter the library on the fourth floor and go down the stairs to right.)

- Exhibition Dates: February 19th to March 3rd, Reception 5-7pm, Wednesday, February 26th
- The Flanagan Campus Art Gallery is located at 1762 Louisquisset Pike Lincoln, RI 02865 Room 1527, on the first floor.