We're Here To Help
The Benefits Hub offers students basic needs assistance grounded in respect, trust, and equity. If you are couch surfing, need food, having trouble paying a bill, or simply don't know where to get a CCRI question answered, we're here for you.
Faculty/Staff: refer students here.
Students: Self-refer here or reach out via talk, text, Starfish, or email. Meet in person, virtually or by phone. Schedule an appointment here
Are you ready to succeed?
Ensure your best chance of achieving your academic goals by having your basic needs met.
Take Our Survey! See instructions to access it here.
- Find food pantries in your community: https://rifb.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/FAL-MARCH-23-2023.pdf
- Get free food: https://projecthandup.net/#home
- Apply for SNAP (food stamp) benefits: https://dhs.ri.gov/programs-and-services/supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program-snap/supplemental-nutrition
- Free hot breakfast and/or lunch: https://amoshouse.com/
- Free meals: https://mcauleyri.org/mcauley-house/
- Apply for meals in CCRI cafeterias: https://www.ccri.edu/opportunity/crsoref-1.html
- If you are currently homeless or within 14 days of being so: 401-277-4316 https://www.cesri.info/
- Rental Assistance: Amos House (401) 272-0220 ext. 224 https://amoshouse.com/what-we-do/emergency-assistance
- Homeowner Assistance Fund: https://www.rihousing.com/hafri/
- Recovery Housing: https://www.ribhopenbeds.org/recovery-housing#:~:text=Please%20contact%20the%20Certified%20Recovery,942%2DSTOP%20(7867).&text=Hope%20Recovery%20Network%20Inc.,-Recovery%20Housing%20(Men
- Student Rentals:
- Low Income Heating Assistance Program, Household Water Assistance Program, Weatherization
Program, Lead Abatement Program - The local Community Action Agency in your area of
the state:
- Blackstone Valley Community Action Agency: http://bvcap.org/energy-weatherization/
- Community Action Partnership of Providence County: https://cappri.org/
- Community Care Alliance (Woonsocket): https://www.communitycareri.org/ProgramsServices/BasicNeedsAssistance.aspx
- Comprehensive Community Action Program (Cranston and beyond): https://www.comcap.org/services/food-housing/#energy-assistance
- Westbay Community Action: https://westbaycap.org/programs/#home-and-utilities
- Eastbay Community Action: https://www.ebcap.org/programs/heating-and-energy/
- Tri-Town Community Action Agency (Northern and Southern): https://www.tricountyri.org/services/fuel-assistance-weatherization/
- Health Insurance: https://healthyrhode.ri.gov/
- Healthcare for the uninsured:
- RI Free Clinic: (401) 274-6347, [email protected]
- Clinica Esperanza: https://www.aplacetobehealthy.org/
- CCRI Student MH Counseling (24/7): https://www.ccri.edu/wellness/myssp-student.html
- Crisis MH (24/7) – BH Link: (401) 414-5465
- Suicide Prevention Hotline (24/7): 1-800-273-8255
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): https://nami.org
- The Providence Center: https://www.providencecenter.org/
Purchase RIPTA monthly bus pass for half-price at any CCRI Bookstore by showing your CCRI ID.
- Childcare Assistance Program (CCAP): https://dhs.ri.gov/programs-and-services/child-care/child-care-assistance-program-ccap-head-start/ccap-family
- State approved childcare centers: https://earlylearningprograms.dhs.ri.gov/
- RI Parent Information Network: https://ripin.org/
- Parent Support Network of RI: 401-467-6855, https://psnri.org/
- Project Undercover (free diapers and socks): (401) 773-4250, [email protected]
- CCRI The Tutoring Center: https://www.ccri.edu/success/
- Laptop, iPad, and Hot Spot loans: https://www.ccri.edu/library/about/laptops.html
- Affordable Connectivity Program: https://www.fcc.gov/acp
- CCRI Financial Aid: https://www.ccri.edu/onestop/fa/index.html
- Educational Opportunity Center (EOC): https://www.ccri.edu/eoc/
- Grants and Scholarships:
- CCRI Foundation: https://ccri.awardspring.com/
- RI Foundation: https://rifoundation.org/grants-scholarships/browse-scholarships
- Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-494-8100
- Sexual Assault: https://dayoneri.org/
- RI Legal Services: https://www.rils.org/
- RI Tenant-Landlord Handbook: https://housing.ri.gov/data-reports/2024-landlord-tenant-handbook-update
- American Civil Liberties Union: https://www.riaclu.org/
- RI Human Rights Commission: http://www.richr.ri.gov/
- RI Bar Association Lawyer Referral: https://ribar.com/for-the-public/
- Refugees and Immigrants
- Refugee Assistance Program: https://dhs.ri.gov/programs-and-services/refugee-assistance-program
- Dorcas International Institute: https://www.diiri.org/
- A Hope: https://www.ahoperi.com/
- Higher Ground International: https://highergroundintl.org/
- Refugee Dream Center: https://www.refugeedreamcenter.org/elementor-2556/
- Women’s Refugee Care: https://www.womensrefugeecare.org/
- Center for Southeast Asians: https://cseari.org/
- Progreso Latino: https://progresolatino.org/
- TGI Network of Rhode Island: https://www.tginetwork.org/
- Youth Pride: https://www.youthprideri.org/
- The RI LGBT Center: https://www.facebook.com/RILGBTCenter