Drawing is considered the core skill foundation for all art and design. The study of drawing develops individual coordination between the hand, the eye, and the brain. A well articulated study of drawing creates for the student an essential visual vocabulary for the making of art as well as individual development of skills necessary for the generation of artistic expression. For many working artists, drawing is a lifetime study.
Drawing I ARTS 1010
Drawing 1 is a studio course which presents a strong introduction to basic drawing
concepts. It is designed for both experienced art students who want to develop portfolios
for transfer and for non-art majors who have little or no previous experience in art
and want to develop aesthetic understanding and drawing skills.
- None
Drawing II ARTS 1050
Drawing II is a studio/workshop course which advances the student's understanding
of drawing and design elements by observation of the human form. Models will pose
for the class. Gesture, proportion, mass, balance and environmental relationships
will be explored. Some study of human anatomy will be required.
- ARTS 1010 Drawing 1
Drawing III ARTS 2050
Drawing III is a continuation of Drawing II. The student will complete more complex
studies of the human figure using design elements such as line and form. Some use
of color and more complex composition will be explored. The student will continue
anatomical studies and maintain a sketchbook.
Drawing II & III meet concurrently to allow participation in both groups. Visits to galleries and museums will be encouraged.
- ARTS 1050 Drawing 2
Current Exhibitions
Mudslingers: Wood Fire Ceramics
- Exhibition Dates: February 10th to February 20th, Reception 4-6 pm, Wednesday, February 20th
- The Knight Campus Art Gallery is located at 400 East Ave. Warwick, RI 02886 Room 3500, on the third floor of the round building (Enter the library on the fourth floor and go down the stairs to right.)

- Exhibition Dates: February 19th to March 3rd, Reception 5-7pm, Wednesday, February 26th
- The Flanagan Campus Art Gallery is located at 1762 Louisquisset Pike Lincoln, RI 02865 Room 1527, on the first floor.