
Effective Practices in Teaching Online

Already have online teaching experience?

Have you taught online for awhile or maybe at another institution?  Take the Prior Learning Assessment Quiz to waive or get credit for what you already know. The assessment focuses on online pedagogy, not Blackboard skills.

Take the Prior Learning Assessment

Looking to be certified to teach online?

Effective Practices in Teaching Online (EPTO) is a 30 hr. cohort-based online course which investigates how pedagogy and classroom management changes in the online learning environment. Learn 50+ research-based effective online strategies to keep students motivated. This course is designed for instructors who have not yet completed online certification. Completing the course will meet part of the CCRI eligibility requirements for teaching online.

EPTO introduces participants to the federal, state and local regulations for online learning, as well as regulations for NC-SARA and NECHE.  EPTO also will introduce you to the OSCQR rubric which we use to monitor online course design quality.

Upcoming Dates for EPTO

  • Feb 17 - Apr 7

Register for Effective Practice in Teaching Online