Therapeutic Massage Program
What to Expect

To schedule an Appointment:
- Email [email protected] and information about appointment dates will be sent to you along with the information you will need to provide to schedule an appointment.
- Once your appointment has been made, you will receive an email confirming your appointment. If you are a first time client, an intake form will be emailed to you. All first time clients must complete and submit the intake form before your appointment is confirmed.
- Appointments are available at the Newport County campus in room 113 during class time
At Your Appointment your student massage therapist will ask you:
- Why have you scheduled an appointment? What are your goals for the session?
- Have you had a massage before?
- Where are your areas of tension? What do you want/ don’t want worked on?
- To review your intake form, medical history and what medications are you taking.
- You will be required to read and sign a Consent Form
The general benefits that one may receive from this massage – stress reduction, decreased muscle tension, increased circulation – will be reviewed and explained by the student. This massage should feel comfortable. If any of the techniques used cause you to feel uncomfortable or causes pain, please let the student practitioner know. You may stop the massage at any time.
No specific assessment will be performed and the session should not be perceived as a medical treatment.
What to expect during your appointment:
- The client will be invited into the treatment area from the waiting area which is a specially equipped classroom for teaching Therapeutic Massage at the community college. The massage session will be conducted within a curtained cubicle area that provides visual privacy but is not soundproof. Therefore, you will be asked to keep the talking and noise level to a minimum- however, your therapist will ask you about the comfort of the massage techniques and you should let them know if anything is uncomfortable.
- You will be left in the cubicle to undress to your comfort level. You will be draped with a sheet and a blanket during the massage and only the area being massaged will be undraped. You will be instructed how to lie on the massage table.
- Your massage therapist will explain the areas they will be working on and receive your permission to do so. Communicate to the student if any of the techniques used cause you to feel uncomfortable or cause pain. Request that they stop at any time.
- After the massage, your student therapist will ask you to complete a Client Feedback Form that you can use to rate your impression of the experience and to help the student become a better Massage Therapist.