Clients’ Rights and Responsibilities

Client’s Rights
As a CCRI Student Massage Therapy Clinic client you can expect:
- Considerate, respectful and confidential treatment in a safe place.
- Access to pertinent, current information gained from the massage.
- The right to accept or refuse treatment
- The highest quality of treatment your student massage therapist is able to complete in the available time.
You are entitle to the above if you are eighteen years old or over regardless of your sex, sexual preference, religion or ethnic origin.
We are pleased you elected to receive massage therapy treatment in the CCRI Student Massage Therapy Clinic and we look forward to assisting you as you pursue wellness in mind, body and spirit.
Client’s Responsibilities
As a CCRI Student Massage Therapy Clinic client, you are expected to:
- Treat everyone involved with the student clinic with respect. If you make the therapist or anyone else uncomfortable, your treatment may be stopped.
- Pay for services rendered
- Complete a medical intake form
- Report any change in your medical condition
- Provide 24-hour notice for cancellation of an appointment
- You will be responsible for sharing any relevant medical information prior to the massage. Symptoms and conditions that make undergoing a massage inadvisable (contraindications) will be explained, any condition that would prohibit the massage will be discussed prior to the session.
- Those individuals who:
- have not eaten or taken water within in the last four hours
- have experienced recent injuries
- have a health history that would preclude receiving massage
are not eligible to receive a massage today.
Some of the benefits of therapeutic massage include stress relief, anxiety and muscle tension reduction and promotion of better sleep.
The Student Massage Therapy Clinic provides professionally supervised therapeutic massage to the public for a $20.00 donation. This donation offsets the cost of laundry service and clinic supplies. Clinic appointments are one hour long and clients may make more than one appointment during the semester.
The Student Massage Therapy Clinic is a learning environment for student massage therapists and operates during their summer class May-July. An hour long massage session will be done under the supervision of a RI licensed massage therapist. Parking is available at no cost and the facility is accessible to clients using wheel chairs. We gladly accept personal checks and cash but not credit cards or insurance plans. An ATM machine is located in the building atrium against the wall adjacent to the stairs.
Massage students cannot, under any circumstances, accept money- fee, tips or other compensation- for sessions in the SMTC. Any client wanting to tip can make a donation to the Massage Therapy Club. Checks should be made out to CCRI with Massage Therapy Club in the memo section. Club donations help offset the cost of the Therapeutic Massage Pinning Ceremony at graduation from the program.
While the student is in the Program, no money may be accepted for the practice sessions until the student has graduated and is licensed by the State of RI.