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Spring 2020 Dean's List

  • Ziad Abdallah
  • Naseer Abdus-Salaam
  • Joshua Acevedo
  • Katelyn Acton
  • Lillia Adams
  • Crystal Agyemang
  • Andrew Ahlborg
  • Katelyn Ahles
  • Adeyinka Ajayi
  • Amer Al Sarayri
  • Rajaa Alawamleh
  • Lauren Alejandro
  • Sara Algarvio
  • Thomas Algier
  • Shaneis Algoo
  • Madison Allard
  • Jennifer Allbee
  • Nabeel Almohtade
  • Karly Alvarado
  • Angel Alvarez
  • Robert Alves
  • Kalia Alves
  • Alexia Amaral
  • Georgina Amoah
  • Adam Anabtawi
  • Emily Anderson
  • Dylan Anderson
  • Peter Anderson
  • Adam Andrade
  • Nathan Andrade
  • Aysha Andrade
  • Michael Andrews
  • Maia Antonucci
  • Isaiah Aponte
  • Maria Aponte De Kaiser
  • Bryan Araujo
  • Regina Arcaro
  • Solimar Arman
  • Jacob Armstrong
  • Michele Arriaza
  • Isabel Arribas
  • Rachelle Arruda
  • Alishah Asif
  • Zachary Asselin
  • Stephanie Atanasoff
  • Jorge Atehortua
  • Emily Aubin
  • Naremean Aumaree
  • Diane Awad
  • Brittney Ayotte
  • Kassandra Azevedo
  • KyooYoung Bae
  • Justin Baglini
  • Magee Bahn
  • Giona Balvega
  • Devin Baptista
  • Daniel Barbosa
  • Arianna Barbosa
  • Ludmar Barbosa
  • Andrea Barbosa Coll
  • Joselyn Barillas
  • Yenifer Barillas Marroquin
  • Michael Barney
  • Melanie Batz
  • Alexandra Beardwood
  • Nolan Beattie
  • Jacob Beaulieu
  • Sarah Bednarski
  • Sarah Behm
  • Emily Belanger
  • Colin Belanger
  • Bryanna Belasco
  • Gianna Bellavia
  • Idir Ben Bouazza
  • Aidan Benoit
  • Mary Bent
  • Julia Bentley
  • John Bergantino
  • Ibis Berganza
  • Daniel Bernard
  • Cory Bernardo
  • Jacob Berube
  • John Bevilacqua
  • Kurta Beyan
  • Sarah Bezak
  • Jesslynn Biron
  • Brian Bissonnette
  • Daniel Blanchette
  • Sophia Bobrowski
  • Stephanie Bodkin
  • Logan Bogdanski
  • Mikaela Bohorquez
  • Kristina Boiano
  • Marco Bonanno
  • Timothy Bonczek
  • Sabrina Botelho
  • Colby Botelho
  • Samantha Boulay
  • Megan Boullier
  • Amber Bourgeois
  • Thomas Bowater
  • Tommy Bowe
  • Dakotah Bowen
  • Brianna Boxwell
  • Jenna Boyajian
  • Cyanna Boynton
  • Ryan Bradley
  • Madison Brady
  • Brehan Brady
  • Killian Braegelmann
  • Katelyn Brand
  • Abraham Brandon
  • Ann-Marie Brasil
  • Meghan Brayman
  • Clarissa Briggs
  • Mikayla Brill
  • Deion Brito
  • David Broccoli
  • Selena Brosious
  • Benjamin Brower
  • Alexandra Brown
  • Kristal Brown
  • Chloe Brown
  • Thea Brum
  • Nya Brum
  • Stefano Bruno
  • Lindsay Brynes
  • Alexandra Buccafurri
  • Travis Buckland
  • Alec Buffi
  • Katherine Buffum
  • Tran Bui
  • Sophannara Bun
  • Anthony Buono
  • Cara Burgess
  • Emily Burghardt
  • Alex Burtman
  • Christian Bustos
  • Nicholas Costick
  • Samantha-Rose Cabral
  • Laura Cabral
  • Kevin Cabral
  • Devin Cabral
  • Steven Cacicia
  • Mya Caetano
  • Madison Cahoon
  • Justin Cameron
  • Kara Campbell
  • Justina Campo
  • Amy Cannon
  • Kevin Capalbo
  • Juliana Capraro
  • Zachary Capwell
  • Richard Cardente
  • Alondra Cardoza
  • Brodie Carey
  • Daniel Carignan
  • Anivia Carinha
  • Kathryn Carlson
  • Jenna Carmichael
  • Nicholas Caron
  • Isabella Carpender
  • Caleb Carr
  • Camila Carrasco
  • Linda Carrascoza Figueroa
  • Alexander Carreiro
  • Julianne Carroll
  • Cynder Carroll-Coates
  • Shaughn Carter
  • Amber Cary
  • Christopher Casalino
  • Ryan Casci
  • Benjamin Cash
  • Kyle Cassidy
  • Laura Castellone
  • Ricky Castillo
  • Zunny Castillo
  • Jared Castro
  • Krystal Castro
  • Estela Catalan
  • Jonathan Cavanagh
  • Mason Cerce
  • Alessandra Cerio
  • Alisha Cesario
  • Tristan Cevallos
  • Nicole Chamberlain
  • Ashley Champagne
  • Aya Chamseddine
  • Neil Charie
  • Haley Chaves
  • Haiqing Chen
  • Isaac Chen
  • Rachael Cheney
  • Arunsak Chhun
  • Michael Chicoria
  • Ryan Childs
  • Tashi Choetso
  • Alyssa Choquette
  • Liam Clancey
  • Ashley Clark
  • Schawn Clarke
  • Nichole Clemons
  • Noah Cloutier
  • Kaelyn Coates
  • John Colello
  • Alexis Colin
  • Devin Collard
  • Isanette Collazo-Torres
  • Maguire Collins
  • Brian Colon
  • Ikayla Colon Mercedes
  • Giovanni Colon Velez
  • Chloe Combs
  • Paul Contreras
  • Brayan Contreras Rivas
  • Mason Cook-Dumas
  • Meghan Cookson
  • Jeffrey Cooper
  • Ross Cooper
  • Mark Coppolino
  • Sandy Cordon Castaneda
  • Braelyn Cornell
  • Rachel Cornell
  • Joshua Correia
  • Christina Correia
  • Jake Correia
  • Anthony Corticelli
  • Cheyenne Cory
  • Tanor Costa
  • Daniel Cote
  • Danielle Cournoyer
  • Cassandra Couto
  • Emily Coutu
  • Emilie Couture
  • Lucy Coykendall
  • Brittany Crabtree
  • Brianna Crain
  • Brittany Croll
  • John Crook
  • Dana Cross
  • Keith Crowley
  • Destinee Crum
  • Miranda Crum
  • Nicole Cruz
  • Isaiah Cruz
  • Ever Cruz
  • Yeriel De Jesus Cruz Ortega
  • Kyle Cullen
  • Ryan Cummings
  • Gunnar Cunha
  • Courtney Cunningham
  • Samantha Curran
  • Deirdre Curry
  • Abigail Curry
  • Agustin Custer
  • Anira D' Oliveira Assuncao
  • Sara D'Andrea
  • Alyssa D'Ercole
  • Melani Da Lomba
  • Monique DaFonseca
  • Shakira DaGraca
  • Marcus DaRosa
  • Josef DaSilva
  • Sofia DaSilva
  • Liam DaSilva
  • Hailey Dalby
  • Christopher Davey
  • Jennifer David
  • John Davies
  • Victoria Day
  • Arianna DeAngelis
  • Andrew DeAngelis
  • Emma DeCoste
  • Gianna DeFusco
  • David DeLGiudice
  • Sergio DeLeon
  • Kena DeLeon
  • Gianna DeLuca
  • Matthew DePardo
  • John DeRouin
  • Sara DeSilva
  • Colt Dean
  • Jesse Deczynski
  • Issabella Deggendorf
  • Michaela Degnan
  • Gilberto Del Valle
  • Ashlyn DelBonis
  • Jason Delange
  • Marilene Delgado Correia
  • Samantha Delmonico
  • Charles Delmonte
  • Emily Deluca
  • Holli Depina
  • Kevin Deragon
  • Rachel Derocher
  • Kyra Derosier
  • Brittany Desourdy
  • Meagan Desrochers
  • Kenneth Desrosiers
  • Talia Deus
  • Brittany Deus
  • Anthony DiOrio
  • Mikayla DiOrio
  • Emily DiPietro
  • Ouleye Diallo
  • Zachary Diamantino
  • Haylee Dibenedetto
  • Kelsey Dicarlo
  • Nicole Dides
  • Kamden Diffley
  • Allison Dillon
  • Rhonda Diniz
  • Paul Diogenes
  • Franklin Disla
  • Jennifer Doades
  • Michael Doherty
  • Ginamarie Doherty
  • Katie Donato
  • Ewurabena Donkor
  • Rodne Dorce
  • Michaela Doro
  • Hannah Doti
  • Mackenzie Doyle
  • Emily Drainville
  • Nikki Drake
  • Molly Dubuc
  • Jordan Duffy
  • Gianna Duffy
  • Michael Dugan
  • Rebecca Dugas
  • Patricia Dumostil
  • Bryan Dupere
  • Kristin Duquette
  • Jennifer Duquette
  • Dylan Durante
  • Jasmine Duru
  • Hayli Dussault
  • Samantha Duva
  • James Dzwil
  • Lincoln Ealefoh
  • Brandi El Adnani
  • Julia Ellis
  • Aram Elmayan
  • Hunter Emond
  • Dylan Enos
  • Patrick Enos
  • Justin Erickson
  • Bianca Esposito
  • Katarina Esteves
  • Marie Estime
  • Karina Estrada
  • Amanda Estrella
  • Emeril Estrella
  • Samantha Estrella
  • Sarah Evans
  • Rachel Everette
  • Jennifer Evora
  • Gabriella Fagundes
  • Faith Fahnbulleh
  • Cheyenne Falcone
  • Robert Fargnoli
  • Nicholas Farias
  • Hollie Farris
  • Opeyemi Fasina
  • Robert Faulkner
  • Kenyata Fauntleroy
  • Assan Faye
  • Brett Feld
  • Brittany Feldmeier
  • Ryan Feliciano
  • Patrick Felker
  • Justin Feola
  • Andrew Ferguson
  • Valentina Ferla
  • Noelle Fernandes
  • Brittany Ferreira
  • Mathew Ferreira
  • Ethan Ferris
  • Kira Ferro
  • Jianna Ferrucci
  • Grace Field
  • Adam Figueiredo
  • Kiryl Filipau
  • Nils Fimmers
  • Branden Firth
  • Adam Fisher
  • Katelyn Fitzgerald
  • Maddison Fitzpatrick
  • Christa Fitzsimmons
  • Valerie Flint
  • Gabriella Florio
  • Benjamin Floyd
  • Sakinah Flynn
  • Samuel Folco
  • Faith Folco
  • Valerie Ford
  • Jace Ford
  • Sydney Formicola
  • George Foronda
  • Alexandria Forte
  • Sandra Fortes
  • Cassidy Francazio
  • Lora Franklin Goley
  • Kobe Freitas
  • Francis French
  • Jack Frenier
  • Meagan Frye
  • Melissa Fuller
  • Tonya Fuller-Balletta
  • Natalie Furtado
  • Luke Fusaro
  • Susan Gabelmann
  • Madeline Gallagher
  • Melissa Gallagher
  • Joshua Gallardo
  • Stephen Galley
  • Isabella Gallucci
  • Zachary Gallup
  • Brian Gamez
  • Steven Garafano
  • Anthony Garceau
  • Alejandra Garcia
  • George Garcia
  • Juan Garcia Carrascoza
  • Alfredo Garcia Madrid
  • Noelia Garcia Mercedes
  • Kay Gardiner
  • Amber Gardiner
  • Justice Gaudreau
  • Caysie Gautreau
  • Kyla Gauvin
  • Antonelis Gaviria
  • Robert Gemma
  • Mitchell Gemma
  • Emma Geoghegan
  • Jose Germosen Polanco
  • Daniel Gerrior
  • Jakin Gerushom
  • Jace Gesmondi
  • Cameron Getchell
  • Alexandra Giacobbi
  • Brianna Giarusso
  • Emily Gibbs
  • Amy Gierhart
  • Lucas Giglietti
  • Drew Gillen
  • Joseph Gionti
  • Vincent Giorno
  • Savannah Giragosian
  • Sarah Girard
  • Jessica Girouard
  • Andrew Godfrin
  • Juliana Goff
  • Tiffany Golding
  • Marissa Golomboski
  • Randy Gomes
  • Adeimineker Gomes
  • Chelsleigh Gomez
  • Manuel Gomez
  • Justin Goncalo
  • Douglas Gonzalez
  • Aaron Gonzalez
  • Juan Gonzalez
  • Timothy Goodness
  • Katarina Gorder
  • Alec Gosetti
  • Cameron Gotauco
  • Emily Goucher
  • Ariana Goulart
  • Alyssa Gould
  • Nicole Goulet
  • Vanessa Gouveia
  • Kelsey Gouveia
  • Britney Granados
  • Stepfanie Green
  • Jaclyn Greene
  • Haley Gregoire
  • Cassidy Greig
  • Alexandrea Grenier
  • Steven Grenier
  • Katherine Grimaldi
  • Rhyan Grzyb
  • Daniel Grzych
  • Ricky Guerrero
  • Taylor Guilmette
  • Nicholas Habershaw
  • Annee Hale
  • Elijah Hall
  • Francis Halliwell
  • Jason Ham
  • Jade Haney
  • Jessica Hansen
  • Heather Harmon
  • Sayla Harrington
  • Cyress-Luis Harrison
  • Alexandra Hartley
  • Abigail Harvey
  • Hanlar Hasan
  • Mai Hassan
  • Harold Hathaway
  • Georgia Hathaway
  • Sean Hayes
  • Erin Hebert
  • Jeremy Hecker
  • Fernando Henriquez Rodriguez
  • Peter Henshaw
  • Erik Herb
  • Adrian Hernandez
  • Daniel Hernandez
  • Maria Herrera
  • Karen Herrera Vasquez
  • Cameron Hewey
  • Christopher Hinds
  • Thomas Hingerty
  • Noel Hiraldo
  • Reilly Hodge
  • Kayla Hoff
  • Emily Hogan
  • Jacob Holt
  • David Holtz
  • Riley Hopkins
  • Mijanee Hopkins-Jones
  • Kelsey Houle
  • Hailey Houle
  • Joy Howell
  • Aidan Hoxsie
  • Caleb Hoyle
  • Dylan Hubbard
  • Tristan Hynes
  • Sara Iacono
  • Jazmin Iapicca
  • Savannah Iasimone
  • Halima Ibrahim
  • Suhaila Ibrahim
  • Daniel Ickes
  • Michael Imbruglia
  • Namra Inam
  • Lailah Insisiengmay
  • Destiny Irby-Whitford
  • Devin Irons
  • Alice Izyumoff
  • Madison Jackson
  • Dayvona Jackson
  • Alyssa Jackson
  • Gina Jackvony
  • Bryan Jacobo
  • Victoria Jacques
  • Amin Jamous
  • Martina Jankovic Chin
  • Dylan Janoske
  • Fatoumata Jatta
  • Anne Jean Philippe
  • Katelyn Jeffrey
  • Jatna Jerez Duran
  • Misty Heaven Jewell
  • Kevin Johnson
  • Laura Johnson
  • Kaylee Johnson
  • Rose Johnson
  • Emily Johnson
  • Gail Johnson
  • Julius Johnson
  • Caden Jolcimat
  • Danielle Joly
  • Samantha Jones
  • Dylan Jones
  • Travis Kaempf
  • Kyle Karspeck
  • Noreliman Kattan
  • Gavin Kearney
  • Kyle Keegan
  • Kellie Kelleter
  • Kayla Kelliher
  • Kristina Kelly
  • Michael Kelly
  • Elizabeth Kennedy
  • William Kerr
  • Meaghan Kilkenny
  • Isaac Kim
  • Farah Kinsella
  • Alexander Kirilin
  • Logan Kittell
  • Tristan Klampert
  • Evan Knudsen
  • Samantha Kongphet
  • Amy Kortschinsky
  • Faustina Kpabitey
  • Matthew Krawiec
  • Joseph Krug
  • Benjamin Kurose
  • Samuel Kuzu
  • Katherine LaFalce
  • Olivia LaFazia
  • Matthew LaForge
  • Giulio LaPaglia
  • Piper Labarre
  • Madison Labonte
  • Katie Lagergren
  • Ashley Lagergren
  • Caitlyn Lamond
  • Alexandra Lancellotta
  • Callie Lander
  • Sophia Landry
  • Jillian Landry
  • Megan Langford
  • Evan Langille
  • Matthew Langton
  • Jacob Lapierre
  • Joshua Lapierre
  • Noah Laprade
  • Joseph Lariviere
  • Julie Laughlin
  • Carolyn Launh
  • Jhancely Laureano Capellan
  • Savannah Laurent
  • Noelle Laverty
  • Serena Lavoie
  • Gabrielle Lawton
  • Alexis LeBelle
  • Dayann Leal
  • Christopher Lee
  • Jacqueline Lee
  • Olivia Lee
  • Isabelle Lefrancois
  • Jerry Leite
  • Marcel Lemery
  • John Lemme
  • Olivia Lemoine
  • Mary Lennox
  • Brendaly Leon Silverio
  • Emily Lestrange
  • Christian Levesque
  • Alison Lewis
  • Okeffe Lewis
  • Michael Lewis
  • Abigail Link
  • Andrew Linsky
  • Weller Littlefield
  • Skyla Lizotte
  • Allie Lomastro
  • Makayla Lopes
  • Veronica Lopez
  • Vanessa Lopez
  • Nina Lorenzo
  • Leonidez Lorenzo
  • Laura Lotito
  • Jacky Lu
  • Bradley Lucas
  • Amber Lucente
  • Cassandra Lukowicz
  • Skylar Lund
  • David Luong
  • Jaime MacCracken
  • Stephen MacIntosh
  • Felicia Machado
  • Skylar Machado
  • Cathrine Machowski
  • Jack Mailhot
  • Harrison Maio
  • Nadia Malki
  • Raenner John Manlapaz
  • Mona Mansour
  • Kristen Marasco
  • Joel Marble
  • Destiny Marcano
  • Karly Marchand
  • Lucas Marchetti
  • Kerri-Lynn Marciezyk
  • Carolina Marin
  • Katie Marinosci
  • Alisa Marks
  • Noel Marold
  • Vincent Marotta
  • Allison Marrier
  • Jena Marshall
  • Sean Martin
  • Katrina Martin
  • Jason Martineau
  • Stefanny Martinez
  • Kevin Martinez
  • Alejandro Martinez
  • Leannie Martinez-Ortiz
  • Kayla Martini
  • Rebecca Martins
  • Irina Martins Gomes
  • Kameron Marty
  • Molly Maruszczak
  • Lauren Massemini
  • Anna Masson
  • Colby Mastrostefano
  • Giuliana Mastrostefano
  • Rosanny Matias
  • Riordan Mattio
  • Giana Mayo
  • Jared Mazzulla
  • Kelly McCarthy
  • Mary McCoart
  • Michaela McCusker
  • Michael McCutcheon
  • Hope McDonald
  • Daniel McDonald
  • Kyonna McFarlane
  • Marilyn McKay
  • Richard McKearney
  • Marcus McLeod
  • Zakariah McLeroy
  • Ashley McNulty
  • Caitlyn Mccarthy
  • Robert Mcfadden
  • Andrea Medeiros
  • Kelly Medeiros
  • Whitney Medeiros
  • Chrissy Medeiros
  • Andrea Medina
  • Julio Medina
  • Helen Medina Mirabal
  • David Meech
  • Solymar Mejia
  • Julia Melendez
  • Nathan Melo
  • Noah Menard
  • Hailey Mendes
  • Sienna Mendez
  • Lilian Mendez Canela
  • Jannelis Mendez Perez
  • Logan Mendonsa
  • Brandon Mennella
  • Lester Merida
  • Zachary Merritt
  • Jazmyn Metoyer
  • Juanita Meunier
  • Anthony Mey
  • Theophanis Mihailides
  • Sherry Milano
  • Joseph Millen
  • Sawyer Milstead
  • Silvia Minaya
  • Ashlee Mineau
  • Cassandra Mineau
  • Jessica Miozzi
  • Alexis Miranda
  • Dylan Mitchell
  • Emily Mitchell
  • Meghan Mitchell
  • Martina Mitchell-Doggett
  • Ryan Molloy
  • Dakota Mondragon
  • Abigail Monroy Aguilar
  • Joshua Monteiro
  • Solange Monteiro Tavares Dejesus
  • Karla Monterroza
  • Diego Montes
  • Shamus Moore
  • Matheus Moraes
  • Tiara Morais
  • Emily Morales
  • Judiane Morales
  • Hector Morales Rosado
  • Kelsea Moran
  • Alexander Morello
  • Crystal Moreno
  • Mario Moretti
  • Gracie Mae Morey
  • Carys Morgan
  • Kristyn Morgan
  • Valentina Moriella
  • Josiah Morris
  • Hannah Morrissey
  • Brianna Morton
  • Hunter Motta
  • Devin Moulton
  • Nori Mourad
  • Oliver Mourato
  • Alexia Mucci
  • Yesenia Munoz
  • Norma Muralles Reyes
  • Rafal Murawski
  • Esmeralda Murphy
  • Jacob Murphy
  • Sean Murphy
  • Colleen Murray
  • Chantal Myers
  • Faith Nadeau
  • Judith Nazareth
  • Arame Ndiaye
  • Khady Ndiaye
  • Bamby Ndoye
  • Grace Nelson
  • Alice Nevers
  • Michael Nguyen
  • Priscilla Nichols
  • Leisel Nicholson
  • Bethany Nickerson
  • Noah Nicoletti
  • Reese Nolan
  • Robert Noonan
  • James Northup
  • Devin Northup
  • Karla Norton
  • Helen Nunes
  • Thitirat Nunez
  • Shaniha Nurse
  • Devante O'Brien
  • Morgan O'Connor
  • Eric O'Connor
  • Victoria O'Leary
  • Casey O'Loughlin
  • Joanna O'Neill
  • Katie Oakland
  • Audrey Ogni
  • Amanda Oliveira
  • Jordan Oliveira
  • Kianna Oliveira
  • Evelyn Olivos
  • Evelyn Olmedo Contreras
  • Ahmet Oncel
  • Gbenga Orenuga
  • Ashleigh Ortiz
  • Laudy Ortiz
  • Elias Ortiz
  • Jillian Osborn
  • Mercedes Otero
  • Isabelle Ougheltree
  • Jide Owoeye
  • Joseph Ozuna
  • Morgan Pacheco
  • Dylan Pacheco
  • Nicholas Pagliuca
  • Jadyn Paiva
  • Haley Palardy
  • Keri Palin
  • Oprah Palmer
  • Emma Palumbo
  • Dennis Paolucci
  • Valerie Papa
  • Brianna Papineau
  • Saige Paplior
  • Skyla Paquette
  • Jeidy Par
  • Steven Parker
  • Meredith Parsons
  • Holly Pashnik
  • Aaron Pastrana
  • Shail Patel
  • Kurtis Paterson
  • John Patrick
  • Courtnie Patry
  • Gianna Paul
  • Paul Pavelek
  • Kendra Pearson
  • Aura Peckham
  • Cassidy Pelicano
  • Tatum Pelletier
  • Madison Pendergast
  • Atalanta Pendragon
  • Precious Peov
  • Alexis Perenti
  • Kelly Perez
  • Evelin Perez Diaz
  • Liliana Perez Santos
  • Jeffrey Perreault
  • Roberto Perretta
  • Syonna Perry
  • Robert Cruz Perry
  • Alexandra Perry
  • Melissa Perry
  • Edward Pertuz
  • Ashley Pesaturo
  • Michael Pesaturo
  • Erin Pestana
  • Jillian Peterson
  • Wyatt Petrichko
  • Michelle Phan
  • Shannon Phillips
  • Ellen Phillips
  • Mysah Phommachanh
  • Ahnyia Phrasathane-Estacio
  • Anthony Phrasavath
  • Katherine Piatkowski
  • Taylor Picchi
  • Joelle Pierre
  • Emma Pierson
  • Kimberly Pike
  • Britney Pimental
  • Tyler Pimentel
  • Marlon Pineda
  • Rodrigo Pinto
  • Kristofer Plante
  • Alba Plasencia
  • Breana Podmaska
  • Philip Podolecki
  • Jessica Poirier
  • Grayson Poirier
  • Liz Polanco
  • Lincoln Pollock
  • Jorgelina Pongsawat
  • Sydney Poole
  • Sunita Poudel
  • Grant Prete
  • Brandon Privitera
  • Mridula Priyadarshini
  • Serena Proctor
  • Steven Pyles
  • Cindy Quayle
  • Alexia Quinn
  • Kathryn Quinn
  • Meghan Quinn
  • Declan Quinn
  • Andre Quiroa
  • Sienna Racal
  • Alexander Radicioni
  • Nigel Ragan
  • Nicholas Ragosta
  • John Raimondi
  • Mya Ramirez
  • Erika Ramirez
  • Patricia Ramos
  • Ethan Raposo
  • Jayla Ratchford
  • Morgan Raymond
  • Jake Reardon
  • Kevin Recinos
  • Lauren Redmond
  • Liam Redmond
  • Oliviea Reels
  • Bento Reeves
  • Christopher Reinhardt
  • Julian Reis
  • Jeremy Remigio Sanchez
  • Olivia Remsen
  • Joseph Renaud
  • Melanie Reyes
  • Caitlyn Reynolds
  • Jazmin Reynoso
  • Jarrod Rezendes
  • Jacob Ribeiro
  • Andrew Ribeiro
  • Heather Ricard
  • Joseph Ricci
  • Katharine Richall
  • Desiree Richard
  • Cyrus Richard
  • Zachary Richard
  • Alyssa Richards
  • Ian Richardson
  • Aidan Richer
  • George Richter
  • William Rider
  • Melody Riel
  • John Rigby
  • Christian Rijos Cortorreal
  • Cole Riley
  • Evan Rios
  • Serena Rios
  • Madison Ritchey
  • Julia Rivera
  • Zairelis Rivera Lopez
  • Jake Robbins
  • Maia Robert
  • Steven Robertson
  • Jada Robitaille
  • Seth Rock
  • Julia Roderick
  • Genesis Rodrigues
  • Anthony Rodrigues
  • Laura Rodriguez Rodriguez
  • Ilene Rodriguez-Reyes
  • Connor Rogan
  • Tiffany Rogers
  • Katherine Romero
  • Ronald Rosario
  • Misty Rose
  • Thomas Rosenfield
  • Christopher Rossi
  • Aaron Rossi
  • Stacy Rouleau
  • Alexandra Roy
  • Olivia Ruggieri
  • Michelle Ruiz
  • Morgan Rulon
  • Aryn Ryan
  • Joslyn Rydberg
  • Angelica Saccoccio
  • Nicholas Safford
  • Jared Safford
  • Juana Sagbay
  • Giana Salinaro
  • Sydney Salisbury
  • Jonathan Salmeron
  • Brittany Salzillo
  • Vicdavid Samayoa Mendez
  • Vincent Santa
  • Janice Santos
  • Jessabel Santos
  • Toufic Sarkis
  • Domenic Savage
  • William Sayles
  • Zachary Sayles
  • Paul Sayles-Perez
  • Frank Scalzo
  • Lillian Scanlon
  • Marissa Scavello
  • Benjamin Schafer
  • Lucas Schott
  • Corey Schultz
  • Brianna Scully
  • Michael Seaberg
  • Benjamin Sears
  • Caleb Seekell
  • Nicholas Seelenbrandt
  • Kurt John Sena
  • Anthony Serluca
  • Dany Seth
  • Janelle Shabomardenly
  • Erin Shea
  • Kerry Sheeran
  • Ryan Sheridan
  • Ethan Sherman
  • Matthew Shindell
  • Mia Shola
  • Aimee Sholl
  • Gabriel Shute
  • Adrian Sicaju Ruiz
  • Muhammad Siddiqi
  • Hannah Sieben
  • Kerry Sikora
  • Dominique Silva
  • Alexandra Silva
  • Melanie Silva Barbosa
  • Minadira Silva Da Cruz
  • Kaitlyn Silveira
  • Jacob Silverman
  • Jaydin Silvia
  • Amanda Silvia
  • Jade Simoneau
  • Susana Simpson
  • Zachary Simpson
  • Christopher Sing
  • Eliza Sirpenski
  • Kaleigh Sisson
  • William Sivels
  • Zachary Skuce
  • Brianna Smith
  • Al-Yasha Smith
  • Kelly Smith
  • Taylor Smith
  • Gianni Smith
  • Chandler Smith
  • Tyler Smith
  • Jeremy Smith
  • Milton Snow
  • Jonathan Soares
  • Carolina Soares Medeiros
  • Andrew Sok
  • Justin Solan
  • Luca Somogyi
  • Alondra Soto-Calzado
  • Neusa Sousa
  • Lauryn Sousa
  • Tyler Souza
  • Michael Souza
  • Jessica Spalding
  • Matthew Spinola
  • Tiana Spooner
  • Emily Spremulli
  • Kelsie Springer
  • Ronald St. Pierre
  • Rachel Stabile
  • Daryll Stanton
  • Marissa Stanzione
  • Jacob Staples
  • Robert Stearns
  • Patrick Stepien
  • Allison Stevens
  • Ashley Stewart
  • Tiffany Streeper
  • Jamien Strickland
  • Jai'la Stuckey
  • Katelyn Suazo
  • Laurie Sullivan
  • Olazia Sumpter
  • Audrey Swanson
  • Faith Swicker
  • Mathew Sylvester
  • Nijah Tabon
  • Savannah Tallmadge
  • Anna Tammaro
  • Leiny Tapia
  • Zachary Tatalo-Lima
  • Reece Tatarka
  • Elinette Tavares
  • Jennifer Tavera
  • Samantha Taylor
  • Erin Tedesco
  • Haley Teixeira
  • Beatriz Teixeira Sebastiao
  • Gia Tenuta
  • Trinity Testa
  • Ritesh Thapa
  • Quentin Thell
  • Kendra Thibault
  • Alexander Thompson
  • Alexis Thompson
  • Kimberly Thorpe
  • Emma Thulier
  • Alyshia Tkacs
  • Marietou Tolo
  • Samantha Tomasso
  • Stella Tomasso
  • Julia Tootell
  • Amina Touray
  • Bernadette Townsend
  • Alexander Travassos
  • Rachyl Travis
  • Sydney Treanor
  • Kelsey Treanor
  • Kyla Trolan
  • Brandee Trotter
  • Matthew Truppi
  • Elizaveta Tsarova
  • Quinn Tucker
  • Sheridan Tupper
  • Angelica Tyson
  • Caden Unwin
  • Samantha Urbaez
  • Matthew Urbec
  • Andrew Valle
  • Rachel Van Nostrand
  • Amber Vance
  • Rocky Vang
  • Stephanie Vargas
  • Ariana Vazquez
  • Diane Velasquez
  • Iliana Velasquez
  • Sam Velasquez
  • Nathan Veloso
  • Emely Vengoechea
  • Moriah Ventura
  • William Vescera
  • Sabrina Vieira
  • Jared Vigorito
  • Nicole Villa
  • Gemma Villacorta
  • Liara Villari
  • Natalie Vincelette
  • Dylan Violett
  • Katrina Violette
  • Alajah Virasack
  • Julia Vitkova Greene
  • Talia Voccola
  • Kristen Vongsa
  • Angela Vongsavath
  • Cara Waddell
  • Nicholas Wager
  • Ellis Walls
  • Cameron Walton
  • Adriana Wardyga
  • Samantha Warriner
  • Anna Watson
  • Brendan Watson
  • Rory Watters
  • Miranda Wein
  • Haylie Wellman
  • Isabelle Wetmore
  • Kevin Wheeler
  • Iris White
  • Carter White
  • Victoria Whitfield
  • Claton Whitford
  • Ethan Whitlow
  • Andrew Whitmore
  • Bailey Whittaker
  • Colette Wicks
  • Kyle Wiggins
  • James Wilde
  • Brandon Wildes
  • Violet Wilkicki
  • Nicolas Williams
  • Liberty Williamson
  • Shelby Wilson
  • Jeremiah Wine
  • Nigel Wingate
  • Andrew Wingert
  • Kaili Withrow
  • Christopher Wright
  • Joseph Yanez
  • Blong Yang
  • Kavan Yazdi
  • Elaisa Yu
  • Jacob Zazza
  • Lilah Zewinski
  • Natalie Ziemba
  • Anne Ziniti
  • Rose Zinno
  • Sol Zona
  • Jared Zuchowski
  • Shirley dela Dingco 

Latest News

Newport Campus opens its doors to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Newport County Teen Center

Newport Campus opens its doors to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Newport County Teen Center

September 18, 2024

The Community College of Rhode Island  has partnered with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Newport County to relocate the B&GC’s Teen Center to CCRI’s Newport County Campus as part of CCRI’s Community First initiative.

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CCRI receives historic $2 million private gift to fund launch of new CCRI Advantage program

CCRI receives historic $2 million private gift to fund launch of new CCRI Advantage program

August 29, 2024

This historic gift – the largest private gift in the college's 60-year history – supports the new CCRI Advantage program, which assists students who need help with developmental programming get the guidance they need to overcome barriers and stay on track to earn their degree. 

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Summer Rep season comes to a close with weekend performance of Shakespeare's Coriolanus

Summer Rep season comes to a close with weekend performance of Shakespeare's Coriolanus

August 08, 2024

The 2024 Summer Repertory theater season comes to an end beginning tonight at the Warwick Campus’ Bobby Hackett Theatre with the CCRI Players' rendition of Shakespeare's Coriolanus, based on the life of the legendary – and controversial – Roman leader.

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CCRI joins prestigious Metallica Scholars Initiative to support workforce training programs

CCRI joins prestigious Metallica Scholars Initiative to support workforce training programs

August 06, 2024

Eighteen community colleges nationwide, including CCRI, will receive a grant from the Metallica Scholars Initiative (MSI) for $75,000 to provide financial support for students enrolled in the college’s medical assistant and patient support specialist workforce training programs.

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Employee Spotlight: Maddie Burke

Employee Spotlight: Maddie Burke

July 31, 2024

Today's Employee Spotlight catches up with Maddie Burke, CCRI's Providence Campus leader who recently began her new role as the college's first Dean of Career and Technical Education, Early College & Community Partnerships, which allows her to make an even greater impact within her community and beyond. 

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Summer Rep returns to CCRI with Players' adaptation of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

Summer Rep returns to CCRI with Players' adaptation of Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

July 17, 2024

The Community College of Rhode Island Players begin their 2024 Summer Repertory theater season tomorrow night at the Warwick Campus’ Bobby Hackett Theatre with a performance of one of William Shakespeare’s most revered works. 

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RI-INBRE collaborative continues to help CCRI students, faculty meet research goals

RI-INBRE collaborative continues to help CCRI students, faculty meet research goals

July 16, 2024

Thanks to a $21 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to continue funding Rhode Island’s premier biomedical research collaborative, the Community College of Rhode Island remains part of an exclusive network of colleges working to develop the next generation of biotechnology experts.

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Employee Spotlight: Leslie Filippelli-DiManna, DBA

Employee Spotlight: Leslie Filippelli-DiManna, DBA

July 12, 2024

Meet Leslie Filippelli-DiManna, DBA, CCRI's Interim Dean of Business, Science, Technology and Mathematics (BSTM), who's utilizing her knowledge in higher education and academia to bring new ideas to the college and help create a unique learning experience for students.

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CCRI to host Building Bridges: Connecting Education and Industry to Workforce Development on Aquidneck Island

CCRI to host Building Bridges: Connecting Education and Industry to Workforce Development on Aquidneck Island

July 10, 2024

The July 17 "Building Bridges" summit at CCRI's Newport County Campus will unite key industry players and employers from Aquidneck Island to address the current labor market and workforce training needs. 

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Financial Aid team earns prestigious national awards for service in higher education

Financial Aid team earns prestigious national awards for service in higher education

July 01, 2024

CCRI earned two prestigious awards this year from the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) at its annual National Conference for its work in the financial aid profession and higher education community.

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CCRI, Partnership for Rhode Island join forces to launch innovative work-based learning program

CCRI, Partnership for Rhode Island join forces to launch innovative work-based learning program

June 27, 2024

The college is collaborating with the Partnership for Rhode Island to join the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Employer Provided Innovation Challenges (EPIC) Network, allowing students in communications and business programs to get hands-on experience working with statewide industry partners.

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Class of 2022 alum's

Class of 2022 alum's "hunger" for success helps launch a new wellness movement

June 26, 2024

East Providence, RI, native and Class of 2022 graduate Eddy Vieira is the brains behind brains behind Hunger Breeds Success and Success Loves Consistency, the motto of his recently-launched apparel brand and lifestyle movement that is making waves on social media.

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Theater professor Clement premiers next installment of his semi-autobiographical trilogy

Theater professor Clement premiers next installment of his semi-autobiographical trilogy

June 26, 2024

More than a year after launching his first original play, Theater professor and director Ted Clement is back with the second installment of his semi-autobiographical trilogy, The Other, written by Clement and directed by longtime colleague and CCRI alumnus David Valentin.

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Employee Spotlight: Maya Geraldo

Employee Spotlight: Maya Geraldo

June 19, 2024

With a nomination from Interim President Rosemary Costigan, Maya was recently honored as one of Providence Business News’ 40 Under Forty for 2024, an annual awards program that recognizes young leaders based on their career success and involvement within their communities.  

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Spring 2024 Dean's List

Spring 2024 Dean's List

June 03, 2024

Students enrolled in a degree program who have completed 12 credits with a grade point average of 3.25 or higher this semester with no grade lower than “C” are eligible for this scholastic honor.

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Upcoming Events


Global Wind Organization - Basic Safety Training - Ongoing

March 18, 2024 All Day

Flanagan Campus


Securities Industry Essentials (SIE)

August 26, 2024 All Day


Property and Casualty Insurance

September 3, 2024 8:00 AM - October 29, 2024 8:30 AM


Early Childhood Education

September 5, 2024 All Day


Art Orientation & Info Session - Knight

September 19, 2024 5:15 PM - 8:00 PM

Knight Campus


Virtual Adult Learners Info Session

September 19, 2024 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
