General Information about Human Services
Where we're located:
Knight Campus, Warwick, : Follow these directions to the Knight campus. Once you have arrived, walk up the outside ramp into the main entrance of the building
- you will be on the 2nd floor. Walk across the lobby to the left, up the ramp to
the 3rd floor and straight down the hallway. Go through the door at the end of the
hallway and turn left.
[See rooms 3096, 3097, 3099B and 3100 on the campus map]
Flanagan Campus, Lincoln: Follow these directions to the Flanagan campus. Once you have entered the building, follow the signs for Modular 1. Human Services
is located on the first floor in the Faculty Office Area. (Large open area with a
multi color striped rug).
[See campus map]
Information Available in our Office
- Program Concentration Brochures
- Program Concentration Course Checklists
- Course Requirements and/or Overrides
- Degree Audits and/or Course Substitutions
- Transfer and Career Options
- Faculty Office Hour Information