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Program Review and Assessment Advisory Council

Formation of the Program Review and Assessment Advisory Council (PRAAC)

The Faculty Senate voted in September to have the Teaching and Assessment Committee form a subcommittee for Academic Program Review.  This will allow collaboration with the College using a subcommittee of the faculty to serve as liaisons to a broader college body, the Program Review and Assessment Advisory Council (PRAAC), and allow the Teaching and Assessment Committee to focus on policy-making related to teaching. Chaired by the Director of Academic Program Review and Accreditation, PRAAC has been created to serve as an advisory body to the college so that the work of the Director of Academic Program Review and Accreditation has a strong faculty voice in the improvement of assessment and program review processes. This body, with broad faculty representation, will also support the growth of a culture of assessment at the college. This new broader group has the following charge:

The Program Review and Assessment Advisory Council is charged with overseeing the coordination and improvement of the Academic Program Review (APR) and assessment processes, providing recommendations in response to APR reports, and providing feedback on systems of the assessment of student learning in order to ensure CCRI’s effectiveness in promoting student success. This faculty and administrative advisory council will collaborate on the continuous improvement of assessment and program review, supporting CCRI’s mission and strategic planning. PRAAC will maintain close communications with the Faculty Senate and its Teaching and Assessment subcommittee, the Staff Assembly, the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and other appropriate committees, administrative bodies, and academic units.

The key objectives of the Program Review and Assessment Advisory Council include:

  1. Develop and implement a comprehensive assessment and Academic Program Review plan for the college, including assessment cycles, data collection methods, and reporting mechanisms.
  2. Review and provide feedback on Academic Program Reviews, assessment plans and reports submitted by academic programs, student services, and administrative units, ensuring that they align with the college's mission, goals, and accreditation requirements.
  3. Facilitate professional development opportunities for faculty and staff related to assessment, including workshops, training sessions, and resources to enhance assessment literacy and practices.
  4. Oversee and evaluate the effectiveness of our systems for assessment, identify areas for improvement, and provide recommendations for changes in assessment or Academic Program Review practices and processes.
  5. Collaborate with faculty, staff, and administrators to build a college-wide understanding of the use of assessment data to inform continuous improvement, strategic planning, and resource allocation.
  6. Stay informed about best practices and emerging trends in program review, assessment standards and requirements, and provide guidance and recommendations for incorporating them into the college's assessment and program review processes.

The Advisory Council shall provide regular reports to CCRI leadership, faculty, and staff on the status of assessment efforts, including progress made, challenges faced, and recommendations for improvement. To ensure a broad representation of faculty and staff, members will be as follows:

  1. The Director of Academic Program Review and Accreditation, who serves as chair
  2. The Assessment Coordinator
  3. A Department Chairperson or representative from each academic department
  4. Two Faculty Senate representatives, serving concurrently with their Senate appointment
  5. One Staff Assembly representative, serving concurrently with their Staff Assembly appointment
  6. One faculty member from the library, serving a three-year term
  7. One Academic Dean or Assistant Dean, serving a three-year term
  8. The Director of the General Education
  9. The Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence
  10. The Director of Institutional Research and Analytics
  11. The Executive Director of Online Learning and Technology
  12. One Student Affairs Dean or designee, serving a three-year term
  13. The Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships
  14. One student for a one-year term

Meeting minutes and more information will be posted here as the committee undertakes its work. You can reach out to Lauren Webb, Director of Academic Program Review and Accreditation, at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like more information.

The Academic Program Review (APR) Process

During an academic year, the Teaching and Assessment Committee evaluates the Academic Program Reviews for four to six academic programs. Each program is required to complete the process every five years.

The Academic Program Review (APR) is a process intended to assist each academic program in fulfilling its mission and that of the college. While non-externally accredited programs complete the college's internal Academic Program Review template, externally accredited programs submit their self-studies in lieu of the internal document. The APR process is distinctly different from the Annual Academic Program Report (AAPR); however, the annual reports will inform the development of the Academic Program Review that is submitted for review.

The APR process is in alignment with the college's Academic Program Review Policy and is meant to be collaborative, involving program directors, faculty, and divisional deans. The scope of the Academic Program Review includes:

  • Section I: Mission and Target Population
  • Section II: Curriculum
  • Section III: Assessment of Program and Concentration Outcomes
  • Section IV: Assessment of Course Outcomes and Core Competencies
  • Section V: Other Measures of Program Performance
  • Section VI: Resources
  • Section VII: Program Review Summary
  • Section VIII: Program Faculty Endorsement and/or Comments