
R.I. Agriculture and Food Systems Fellows Program

What is the R.I. Agriculture and Food Systems Fellows Program (AFSFP)?

It’s a paid opportunity for undergraduate students at CCRI and URI interested in sustainability and the local food system. Together with industry partners and academic and industry mentors, students will be supported and will, in turn, support school-age youth by facilitating collaborative project-based learning programs centered in their community. The RIAFSFP will engage students from sister institutions enrolled in relevant academic programs to form a fellowship cohort, through which they will actively participate in:

  • Experiential learning opportunities via professional placement with a designated academic or industry mentor;
  • Industry-led technical trainings on a wide range of agricultural science and policy topics;
  • Faculty-led leadership skills and inclusive science communication training; and
  • A practicum where they’ll apply all they’ve learned to an extension education program they design and implement with underrepresented youth.

List of Current Mentors