
Finish Your Degree

You may be closer than you think!

Did you start college and never finish? You are not the only one! There are approximately 130,000 people in RI who have earned some college credit without completing their degree. CCRI is here to help you and many others get to the finish line.

3 Reasons to Earn a College Credential


By 2025, 70% of all jobs in Rhode Island will require a college credential. Don't miss out on these opportunities!


People with an Associate's Degree earn on average $400,000 more during a lifetime than someone with just a high school diploma!


Those with more education are likely to live longer, experience better health outcomes, and practice healthy behaviors!

Looking for a Fresh Start?

Many of us do! If you came to CCRI previously and want to return to complete your degree, this could be the program designed specifially for you! 

Learn more about the Fresh Start Scholarship

Attend a Virtual Info Session

help icon The Community College of Rhode Island invites you to attend a Virtual Info Session. Learn about opportunities available to you at New England’s largest community college.

It’s free and easy to join our virtual info sessions by PC, Tablet, or Mobile Phone.