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Susan Sienkiewicz

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Professor Susan Sienkiewicz graduated from Villanova University with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. While earning a Master of Arts with a specialization in the Teaching of Nursing from New York University, she worked at NYU Medical Center. To prepare for the role of nurse educator, Professor Sienkiewicz worked as a staff nurse in a variety of settings at NYUMC: Surgical Services, Pediatrics, Pedi Intensive Care Unit.

Following her husband's career for the next several years, Professor Sienkiewicz secured an Instructor position at Villanova University for two semesters, followed by Coordinator of Nursing Staff Development at both Norwalk Hospital in CT, and Highland Hospital in Rochester, NY. After moving to RI in 1989, Professor Sienkiewicz began her teaching career in earnest at CCRI. She celebrated her 25th year at the college in 2014.

Professor Sienkiewicz served as Department Chairperson for Level II Nursing from 2008 to 2011 and has returned to the position again starting in 2016. Passionate about teaching, she returned to the classroom full-time in 2011 and continues to serve on the leadership team as Lead Teacher for ADNU 2050. In 2014, she received a National Institute for Staff and Organizational and Development (NISOD) Teaching Excellence Award.  She was a nominee for RI State Nurses Association "Educator of the Year" after serving for several years as chair of the Cabinet on Nursing Education.

Office Hours

Knight Campus - Room 2266
Mondays & Fridays 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
and by appointment