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CCRI Therapeutic Massage Program


Ruth Hampton

Community involvement opportunities

I came to CCRI during the spring 2011 semester. I knew I wanted to become a Massage Therapist, but more importantly, a college graduate. The most memorable moment(s) would have to be the summer student clinic and all field placement assignments. During these moments, I gained confidence in my work as a Massage Therapist and received the confirmation that I selected the right program and school. The faculty and instructors were always available and truly supported me throughout the program with the curriculum and demands of life. I grew so much during this program in all areas of technique, self-care, confidence, and education. I would highly recommend this program and encourage future students to "get involved" with all the many activities outside of the regular course workload. It’s a great networking and community involvement opportunity to help out with the crisis massage team, community free dental clinic, and the CCRI health and wellness fair.

~ Ruth A. Hampton

Ben Lovejoy

Each class is a community

The Therapeutic Massage Program at CCRI is an amazing opportunity for anyone interested in a caring profession. The curriculum is thorough and broad-based taught by experienced instructors who are wonderfully supportive. Classes are more than students thrown together. Each class is a community. I, for one, consider myself lucky to be a graduate of this program.

~ Benjamin Lovejoy
Graduate, Massage Therapy Club President, 2013

Sean Duffy

Special Olympics at URI

The Therapeutic Massage Program provided me with the understanding and tools to succeed in the field of massage. My most memorable moment was partaking in the Special Olympics at the University of Rhode Island, where I was able to have a direct impact on the lives of others

~ Sean Duffy

Courtney O'Neil

Seeing the positive effect

I had a wonderful experience in CCRI’s Therapeutic Massage Program! The staff was very knowledgeable and patient. They worked with me to get through the program at my own pace while juggling work and family. My classmates and I have become great friends, and I feel as though I could call on them at anytime.

My most memorable moment occurred my first day of student clinic. I was so nervous! After my first massage, the nerves began to clear, and I was in a groove during my second massage. My second client of the day was practically floating on air after her massage; she was so pleased! Seeing the positive effect I had on her confirmed within me just how much I had learned, and it made me excited to get out there into the real world!

~ Courtney O’Neil


CCRI made my dream possible

First and foremost I am proud to say that I am a two time graduate of CCRI; as an RN as well as a Licensed Certified Massage Therapist. Both careers have pretty much become intertwined, which was my dream, CCRI made it possible through the efforts of Program Director Regina Cobb and all her faculty. The greatest privilege bestowed upon me was to be invited by Regina Cobb to be part of Adjunct Faculty. As the students clinical supervisor my greatest reward is to see students already performing with such compassion for the career that they have chosen with skill and intuition. The best part of the day with the students is discussing their experiences and seeing their faces gleaming with a true sense of accomplishing and meeting their clients’ needs. My most memorable moment when I was a student was at one of our field placements for internship; it was actually hilarious! We were at "Shake a Leg" which was a summer program for wheelchair bound youngsters and adults held at Salve Regina College. My classmates and I were outside under two enormous trees with a wall at our backs for cover, that was to be our room to work on staff. Little did we know that next door the Mother Superior was to have an outside tea party with many important guests, were our faces RED WHEN WE WERE KINDLY ASKED TO MOVE.

Leanor (Lee) Silva , RN, LCMT – In-House Clinic Supervisor


Fast paced and full of opportunities to learn

My experience has been fast paced and full of opportunities to learn about massage, the human body and myself as a person. It has been a joy to meet the people I have and to let this small select group of people into my life.

The most important thing I have learned about myself is that I can accomplish anything they want if I put my mind to it. While my endeavors over the past year have been challenging it has been very rewarding to take on a totally new direction in my interests. It is also evident to me that I have not lost my enthusiasm to learn new things. I have always been a person interested in “wanting to know why” things work as they do or are as they are.

There have been many memorable moments within my experience in the therapeutic massage program. The snacks at break time during Shiatsu class, summer clinic and the field work during sports massage, particularly working the Special Olympics. However, the event that sticks out most in my mind was the appreciation dinner at Buttonhole Golf Club for those who volunteered at the CVS Classic. A truly wholesome environment on a perfect summer evening with those closest to me, including my wife Jeanne!

~ Gregory Behie
Class of 2009


Best in the state

I think the massage program's reputation as the best in the state, and one of the best in the region, is well deserved. Teaching at CCRI means that I get to offer a challenging bodywork curriculum to an exceptionally diverse group of students in the supportive environment that a community college can provide. CCRI is one of the few programs in New England to offer a semester-long introduction to shiatsu therapy, which is what I teach. Shiatsu requires from the practitioner good sensitivity, coordination, and inner balance. I am proud to see my students rise to this challenge and demonstrate impressive shiatsu technique. And it thrills me to know that many will be integrating shiatsu into their massage work at a range of healthcare institutions throughout the region.

~ Karlo Berger , AOBTA, LMT – Adjunct Faculty

Pat Bachus

I am proud to be able to say that I am a graduate of the first Therapeutic Massage Therapy Program at CCRI

I am proud to be able to say that I am a graduate of the first Therapeutic Massage Therapy Program at CCRI. The stories are many funny, surprising, happy, sad, and stressful but most of all rewarding.

What we as students were given was a dream a possibility of a future where we could make a difference in the lives of others.

Today, almost 10 Years later I still see that dream played out in the lives of the Students that I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with in the Student clinics, the Classroom and at the many Field Events.

What I see is professionalism, enthusiasm, and dedication. People frequently remark to me how knowledgeable and proficient the students seem to be, they often mention that the quality of the work is equal to and sometimes better than a Spa that they have used in the past. Needless to say I agree! Each year our program here at CCRI expands and delivers the educational and experience components that our students need to be successful in today’s market place.

It is a true gift to see a frightened, unsure, awkward student grow into a competent professional and know that in some small way I may have played a role in that growth.

~ Pat Bachus, Therapeutic Massage Therapy Program Graduate


Graduates from CCRI’s Therapeutic Massage Program truly stand out from the rest!!

The therapeutic massage profession is an amazing, rewarding profession. The opportunities are endless, especially for graduates from CCRI’s Therapeutic Massage Program—because as a result of their training and the skills learned—they truly stand out from the rest!!

Teaching at CCRI has been a tremendously rewarding experience for me. For me—being a past graduate of CCRI’s therapeutic massage program has afforded me the skills needed to run a successful practice. For me—being a mentor has allowed me to share my skills and experience with others. For me—being part of the adjunct faculty to help students learn the art of therapeutic massage—I am so proud to be part of the CCRI experience!

Having been a past graduate of the program myself has only enhanced my rapport with the students because I can relate to their challenges. It’s wonderful to watch the students evolve, mature, and grow through the program, and being a part of that process is amazing. Students know that the faculty genuinely cares for their success and students and faculty work together every step of the way!

I teach two classes—Therapeutic Massage I and Massage Practice Building. Therapeutic Massage I is the first course in the program. This course is very structured and lays the framework for the rest of the program. There are two concepts that are most rewarding to see in this class: The first is the camaraderie between the students—this class builds that framework and that cohesion continues throughout the rest of the program—they become a family! The second is to see the students create individualized treatment flows as part of their final exam—all of the techniques and hands-on practice skills learned throughout the course come together during their final 60-minute practicum!

In the Massage Practice Building course, students are exposed to various components in setting up their own massage practice. Among the concepts learned are managing finances, strategic planning, budgeting, advertising, and daily operations—the end result is the creation of a formalized written business plan! I especially find it rewarding to hear that students want to open their own businesses as a result of what they learned in this class!

While there have been many memorable occasions at CCRI, the most memorable moment for me was when one of the graduating classes asked me to be the speaker at their pinning ceremony. I was deeply touched, and when I asked them why, they simply replied “because you know us and you know how far we’ve come!”

~ Alda Medeiros, LCMT, CEIM – Adjunct Faculty