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CCRI Faculty Association


Ballot 2024 Officer Election

Instructions 2024 Officer Election

The CCRI Faculty Association (CCRIFA) represents full-time faculty members at the Community College of Rhode Island. The Faculty Association is a local affiliate of the state National Education Association-Rhode Island (NEARI) and the National Education Association (NEA).

To become a member of CCRIFA, download and fill out the Membership Form PDF and email it to CCRIFA Treasurer Maureen Murray ([email protected]). Eligibility is limited to full-time faculty members at the Community College of Rhode Island.

Statement of Solidarity

From faculty members of CCRI, June 7, 2020


As faculty members of the Community College of Rhode Island, we are deeply disturbed by the murder of George Floyd and the continual brutalization of black and brown people, which stems from the systemic racism that has plagued our country for centuries.

Collectively, we acknowledge and stand against the racism that has been institutionalized in our society and that has caused much social, economic, and educational inequity in our communities. We commit ourselves to working toward dismantling systemic racism, which is based on white supremacy, through our work in and out of the College.

To our students of color, their allies, and the entire CCRI community: we know that this work will be difficult and uncomfortable. Some of us will have to spend more time listening and learning without defensiveness or unnecessary guilt. Some of us will have to be supportive and patient with allies who mean well but need guidance navigating issues they might not have ever had to seriously consider. Some of us will have to explore the differences between individual  racism and systemic racism and honestly reconsider some of our attitudes about race. Many of us chose to work at CCRI because we believe in the mission to make education accessible to all members of the community. Education can promote equality and equity, and we hope that our diverse student body feels supported, respected, and heard by those of us who teach at CCRI. 

We realize that life adds an extra burden for people of color and, unfortunately, these burdens can range from being misjudged to being killed by the hands of the law. We want you to know that we see you, we acknowledge your race, and we know that your lives matter. This should no longer be a burden that one community must bear alone. 

We know that all lives are supposed to matter, but we realize that this will never be true in America until Black Lives Matter. We stand in solidarity as we try to make the kind of change that can "[re]form a more perfect union."

  • Maureen Abbate
  • Mazin Adam
  • Karen Allen
  • Joseph Amante y Zapata
  • Cheryl Amantea
  • Anthony R. Amore
  • Renée Anderson
  • Lynne Andreozzi-Fontaine
  • Beth Anish
  • Susan E. Apshaga
  • Elizabeth A. Arendt
  • Joe Arsenault
  • Donna Ashworth
  • James Austin
  • Cynthia L. Banna
  • Anthony Basilico
  • Kathleen Beauchene
  • Kathy Blessing
  • Gary Bower
  • Cassandra Brewer
  • Brendan Britton
  • J. Christopher Brooks
  • Susan Brown
  • Maggie Burke
  • Emily Burns
  • Thomas Buss
  • Joseph Carroll
  • Amy Chaves
  • Rebecca Clark
  • Ted Clement
  • John Cole
  • Natalie Coletta
  • Margaret Connell
  • Mary Costa
  • Melinda Couture
  • Joseph Crowley
  • Allethaire Cullen
  • Emily Cummiskey
  • Bill Dalessio
  • Liliana Dan
  • Leslie Dolan
  • Paula Domenico
  • John Dorn
  • Kristin Dummer-Foley
  • Kate Dunnigan
  • Kerri Friel
  • Justine N. Egan-Kunicki
  • Mark England
  • Leslie Faraone-Wolff
  • Maura Faulise
  • Kevin David Fontaine
  • Christine Fox
  • Kerri H. Friel
  • Renée Gaboury
  • Julie Galleshaw
  • Kathleen Gazzola
  • Julie Gelsomino
  • Kerri Germano
  • Eylana Goffe
  • Helen Gomes
  • Andrew Goodman
  • Pat Gorman
  • Debra Grande
  • Karen Griscom
  • Candace Grist
  • Pamela Hallene
  • Cindy L. Hansen
  • Katharine Harrison
  • Roger Hart
  • Mark Hartshorn
  • Linda Hassoun
  • Heidi Henry
  • Kristen Hogan
  • Katie Holcomb
  • Bethany Hopkins
  • David Igliozzi
  • Lynn Jackson
  • Eileen James
  • Cynthia Johnson
  • Maddie Josephs
  • Audrey Kaiser
  • Charles Kell
  • Mike Kelly
  • Ali Khalil
  • Raymond Kilduff
  • Robert Kilduff
  • Leslie Killgore
  • Jana Knibb
  • Karen Kortz
  • Shannon Korzeniowski
  • Rita Koyame-Marsh
  • Kellie Lacerda
  • Melanie Lally
  • Melissa L. Laurent
  • Barbara Leasher
  • Paul Leclerc
  • Yvonne Leonard
  • Marc G. LeVasseur
  • Valerie LeVasseur
  • Dina Levitre
  • Debra Lilli
  • Todd Linton
  • Jon Lu
  • Sheryl MacDougall
  • Maryhelen D. MacInnes
  • Maria C. Mansella
  • Leigh Martin
  • Suzanne McCormack
  • J. David McGrath
  • Robert Melucci
  • Sandra Megerdichian
  • Brenda Michiletti
  • James Miller
  • Elizabeth A. Morais
  • Chuck Morgan
  • Sabine Moritz
  • Ellen Mroz
  • Jeanne Mullaney
  • Maureen Murray
  • Steven Murray
  • Rachel Nichols
  • Marge Norquist
  • Deborah Notarianni-Girard
  • Daniel J. O'Neill
  • Ann Omollo
  • Walter O. Orellana
  • Melissa Orsinelli-Jordan
  • Carol Panaccione
  • Basile Panoutsopoulos
  • Don Paquet
  • Shawn Parker
  • Denise Parrillo
  • Carol Patnaude
  • Wendy L. Pelto
  • Beverly Pepe
  • Chris Peterson
  • Daniel Petrin
  • Rosemary Prisco
  • Tony Rashid
  • Courtney Read
  • Jack Renza
  • John Ribezzo
  • Matthew Rieger
  • Jamie Robinson
  • Rachel Rogers
  • John Rood
  • Kimberley Crealy Rouillier
  • Carol Rowey
  • Sasha Ruggieri
  • Laura Ryan
  • Kathia Salinas
  • James Salisbury
  • Marilyn Salvatore
  • Gina Santoro
  • Aaron Schrank
  • Rebecca Shannon
  • Laurie Sherman
  • Joseph M. Silva
  • Sandra Luzzi Sneesby
  • Alyson Snowe
  • Bruno Soffientino
  • Kimberley St. Jean
  • Svetlana Staviskiy
  • Timothy Stewart
  • Jason Stockford
  • Luke Sutherland
  • Wayne Suits
  • Holly Susi
  • Kristen Swithers
  • Regina Traficante
  • Kira Trainor
  • Isabel Trombetti
  • Joan E. Tullie
  • Lou Turchetta
  • Gaines Tyler
  • Soudabeh Valicenti
  • Amanda Vanner
  • Tyler Vouros
  • Steven Wachira
  • Marla Wallace
  • Evelyn M. Walsh
  • Scott Warila
  • Gerald Williams
  • Paul White
  • Krista Wilhelmsen
  • Kenneth p. Wilkinson
  • Pam Wood
  • Robyn Younkin
  • Mark Zellers
  • Christopher Zoto