Entrance signs
The signs at the entrances to the Knight Campus in Warwick and the Flanagan Campus in Lincoln are promotional and informational tools designed to inform the public about CCRI events and activities. Messages posted should therefore be of general interest to students, faculty, staff or the public, relating directly to on-campus CCRI activities.
- Registration information and recruiting events such as Expo or Grand Information Sessions will receive top priority.
- Information on college-sponsored activities such as plays, concerts and major athletic events will receive the next highest priority as these are open to the public and present a positive image of the college to the public.
- Other appropriate events will be considered on a space-available basis.
Please use the Sign Coverage Form and send your request via email to the Marketing and Communications Department at least two weeks prior to the dates requested. The form is in Microsoft Word. Just click to open or save the document to your hard drive. When the request form is finished, please attach it as a file and email it to the Department of Marketing and Communications: [email protected].
- Plan your requested start date and your submission accordingly with your event.
- Requests will be filled in order of the above-listed priorities.
- The Marketing and Communications staff members will decide the wording of the message to be placed on the sign as space is limited.