
Returning CCRI Student

A returning CCRI student is someone who:

  • has graduated from the college or
  • stopped attending CCRI for at least one semester or
  • previously accepted and never attended or
  • participated in the High School Enrichment or Running Start Program and would like to enroll in classes.

Note: A student who is a CCRI graduate must change their major before enrolling in classes. Please look for the Returning Student Readmission into Degree/Certificate Program link in the For Students tab once you gain access to your MyCCRI account.

I know my MyCCRI username and password:

I do not know my MyCCRI username:

If your birth date was January 2, 1991, you would enter 01/02/1991

Forgot your password?

The format for the MyCCRI default password is the first 3 letters of your username (first letter Capitalized) followed by an underscore (_) and the last 4 numbers of your CCRI ID number.  For example: for the student, Jane Doe, ID#123456, Jane's default password would be,  Jdo_3456).

keyboard imageNOTE: To type an underscore, use the shift key plus the dash/underscore key, which is located to the left of the plus "+" sign key on both PC and Mac keyboards.

If your default password does not successfully log you in, please see the Password Reset Program.