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Representatives and Committees

Officers 2022-2024
Position Officer Department Email   Term
PRESIDENT Mazin Adam Art, Art History & Design [email protected]   2022-2024
VICE PRESIDENT Daniel O'Neill Art, Art History & Design [email protected]   2022-2024
TREASURER Maureen Murray Business [email protected]   2022-2024
SECRETARY Jason Stockford Math [email protected]   2022-2024
Contractual Committees (terms vary)
Committee Representative Area/Department Email   Term
CURRICULUM REVIEW Mazin Adam AHSS / Art, Art History & Design [email protected]   2022-2025
  Sandra Sneesby AHSS / English [email protected]   2022-2025
  Steve Murray AHSS / Criminal Justice & Legal Studies [email protected]   2022-2025
  Lynn Jackson AHSS / Human Services [email protected]   2023-2026
  Kristen Hogan BSTM / Math [email protected]   2021-2024
  Cheryl Amantea BSTM / Business [email protected]   2022-2025
  John Mowry BSTM / Computer Studies [email protected]   2023-2026
  Basile Panoutsopoulos BSTM / Physics & Engineering [email protected]   2022-2025
  Cynthia Johnson HARS / Dental [email protected]   2021-2024
  Michelle Bull HARS / Nursing [email protected]   2023-2026
  Joan Tullie HARS/ Nursing [email protected]   2022-2025
  Kathy Blessing Library [email protected]   2023-2026
  Mark England CCRIFA Representative [email protected]    
EVALUATION Roger Hart Physics & Engineering [email protected]   2023-2025
  Leslie Killgore Social Sciences [email protected]   2023-2025
  Cynthia Johnson Dental Health [email protected]   2022-2024
SABBATICAL Rachel Rogers Psychology [email protected]   2022-2024
  Kira Trainor English [email protected]   2022-2024
Sharon DePalma Math [email protected]   2022-2024


Dina Levitre English  [email protected]   2022-2024
STIPEND & RELEASE Sandra Sneesby Communications & Media [email protected]   2022-2024
  Maddie Josephs Allied & Rehabilatative Health [email protected]   2022-2024
  Heidi Henry English [email protected]   2023-2025

Delegates to the NEARI Assembly 2022-2024
Delegate Department Email   Term
Neeta Bhasin English [email protected]   2022-2024
Nominations-Elections Committee 2024-2026
Representative Department Email   Term
Paul White Physics & Engineering [email protected]   2024-2026
Basile Panoutsopoulos Physics & Engineering  [email protected]   2024-2026
Roger Hart Physics & Engineering [email protected]   2024-2026
Kenneth Wilkinson Math [email protected]   2024-2026

Executive Committee

Officers 2022-2024
Position Officer Department Email   Term
PRESIDENT Mazin Adam Art, Art History & Design [email protected]   2022-2024
VICE PRESIDENT Daniel O'Neill  Art, Art History & Design [email protected]   2022-2024
TREASURER Maureen Murray Business [email protected]   2022-2024
SECRETARY Jason Stockford Math [email protected]   2022-2024
Department Representatives 2022-2024
Department Committee Members Email Alternate Email
Allied and Rehabilitative Health (2) Debra St. Pierre [email protected] Maddie Josephs [email protected]
Art, Art History & Design (1) Heidi Jensen [email protected] Andrew Goodman [email protected]
Biology (2) Gaines Tyler   [email protected] Katherine Harrison [email protected]
  Sabine Moritz  [email protected]    
Business & Professional Studies (1)        
Chemistry (1)        
Communication & Media (1)


Computer Studies (1)
Jonathan Dorn [email protected] Sandra Sneesby [email protected]
Criminal Justice & Legal Studies (1) Mark England [email protected]    
Dental Health (1) Janice Schmitz jischmitz@ Kerri Friel [email protected]
English (5) Michael Burdon [email protected] Leslie Dolan [email protected]
  Marc LeVasseur [email protected]    
  William Dalessio [email protected]    
  Anthony Amore [email protected]    
  Eileen James  [email protected]    
World Languages & Cultures (1) Carol Panaccione [email protected] Jeanne Mullaney [email protected]
Human Services (1) Walter Orellana [email protected]    
Library (1) Laura Ryan [email protected] James Austin [email protected]
Mathematics (2) Kristen Hogan [email protected] Rachel Nichols [email protected]
  Todd Linton [email protected]    
Nursing (7) William Vitale [email protected]    
  John Rood [email protected]    
  Joan Tullie [email protected]    
  Julie Resendes [email protected]    

Lisa Murphy

Jim Phillips

Danielle Brilliant

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Performing Arts (1) Luke Sutherland

[email protected]

Physics & Engineering (1) Paul White [email protected]    
Psychology (1)        
Social Sciences (2)

Leslie Killgore

Kelly Delaney

[email protected]

[email protected]

At Large Representatives 2022-2024
Representative Email   Term
John Mowry [email protected]   2022-2024
Neeta Bhasin [email protected]   2022-2024
Jason Stockford [email protected]   2022-2024
Elizabeth DaCosta [email protected]   2022-2024
Kenneth Wilkinson [email protected]   2022-2024
Robert Melucci [email protected]   2022-2024
Political Action Committee (PAC) Representative
Representative Email   Term
Parliamentarian Email   Term