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Configure your MAC to connect to the Wireless Network

Before connecting your Mac to the CCRI wireless network, please verify that you have the latest updates installed on your laptop and also verify that Stuffit is installed .

*Before you begin you must verify that your computer sees the CCRI wireless network. To do this you will need to verify in Network Preferences that Airport is turned on and ready to connect to the CCRI network.*

Configuring the MAC for Wireless
Instructions and Screenshots
Step 1
Click on Open Apple on your desktop in the top left hand corner of your screen. Click on System Preferences to view Network Options.
image of selecting System Preferences
Step 2

In the control panel click on Network to view all network settings.

image of selecting Network to view network settings
Step 3
In Network Preferences verify that Airport is Turned On. Check Network Name and verify that you are connected to CCRI. If your computer is connected to a different network select the drop down box and select CCRI.
image of turning on Airport and viewing network name
Step 4
After verifying that your laptop has connected to the CCRI wireless network open a supported browser, Safari or FireFox, to
image of the Safari and FireFox browser icons
Step 5

The Welcome to CCRI Wi-Fi splash screen will display.

image of the CCRI Wi-Fi splash screen
Step 6

Scroll down to “Proceed to Wi-Fi Registration” section. Select CCRI Students, Faculty, and Staff with MyCCRI Accounts.

image of Wi-Fi registration page
Step 7
The Wi-Fi Network Registration for CCRI Faculty, Staff and Students page will open. Read CCRI's "Responsible Use of Information Technology Policy" . To accept the policy, click in the check box.
image of accepting the Responsible Use of Information Technology Policy
Step 8
Enter your MyCCRI User Name and Password and then click Download to install the Client Security Agent. Since the file you are downloading is zip file, you will need to have Stuffit installed on your laptop. Click OK to continue with the download.
image of opening file
Step 9

For security reasons your laptop will not automatically run any application downloaded from the Internet. To proceed with the installation of the client, locate your DOWNLOADS folder and double click on it to open it. (To locate the Downloads folder, double click on your hard drive.)

image of the Downloads folder
Step 10
Double click on the file to extract the CSA file.
image of the file to extract
Step 11
The browser will automatically start applying the necessary settings that will allow you to connect to CCRI's wireless network. This may take several minutes.
image of screen indicating that your laptop meets the requirements
Step 12
Once connected, you will then be redirected to the CCRI Webpage.
image of the CCRI home page