CompTIA Network +

               Chapter 1     Introduction to Networks

               Chapter 2     OSI Specifications

               Chapter 3     Networking Topologies, Connectors and Wiring Standards

               Chapter 4     Current Ethernet Specifications

               Chapter 5     Networking Devices

               Chapter 6     Introduction to the IP Protocol

               Chapter 7     IP Addressing

               Chapter 8     IP Subnetting, Troubleshooting and Introduction to NAT

               Chapter 9     Introduction to IP Routing

               Chapter 10    Routing Protocols

               Chapter 11    Switching and VLANs

               Chapter 12    Wireless Networking

               Chapter 13    Authentication and Access Control

               Chapter 14    Network Threats and Mitigation

               Chapter 15    Physical Security and Risk

               Chapter 16    Wide Area Networks (WANS)

               Chapter 17    Troubleshooting Tools

               Chapter 18    Software and Hardware Tools

               Chapter 19    Network Troubleshooting

               Chapter 20    Management, Monitoring, and Optimization



Last Updated: 12/11/24