Questions are in categories based on what you will need to do to answer the question.

These categories represent different levels of difficulty from just remembering information to analyzing what you know.

The goal is to increase your ability to think clearly and develop an awareness of your own thought processes. 


Categories we are focusing on in this course:

      Remembering: you are asked to recognize or recall information

      Understanding: you are asked to summarize, give examples, or interpret information

      Application: you are asked to use something you have learned to answer a question

      Analysis: you are asked to compare, contrast, or organize information


The questions asked at the end of each outline are a mixture of remembering, understanding, application and analysis

questions. You can practice before you see similar questions on a test or quiz. 



MULTIPLE CHOICE:           Most of these questions just ask you to remember information.                         

(REMEMBERING)                   You will be asked to choose the best answer.  (2 pt. each)


                                                There will be between 30 and 50 multiple choice questions.

                                                These will constitute about half of the test.  

                                                The rest of the test will be a combination of other types of questions.



SHORT ANSWER:               These questions involve more than remembering a fact. 

(UNDERSTANDING)               They ask you to explain, summarize, give examples or interpret information

                                                You must understand the information to answer the question.   


                                             There will be pairs of questions and you will be asked to answer ONE question in each of the pairs (5 to 8 pts each).



                                     Describe an exocrine gland (include its formation, general location, and tissue type).   

                                    Then explain how this structure fits its general function.




                                Why does this little fellow need protection from the sun?  Base your answer on what occurs

                                               in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight.  Be specific, naming each structure involved and

                                               what that structure does.                        



COMPARE AND CONTRAST:   These questions require more than just remembering and understanding the information.

(ANALYSIS)                  These questions ask you to notice similarities and differences, or organize the information. 

                                       You must be able to analyze the information to answer the question. 


  Often there will be pairs of questions and you will be asked to answer ONE question

  in each of the pairs (4 to 6 pts each). 



                                                 Compare and contrast epidermis and dermis.   How are they alike?  How do they differ?

                                                 (refer to location, morphology, structures)


                                     Compare and contrast amphiarthroses and diarthroses.  How are they alike and how do

                                     they differ?  (refer to structure and function)



APPLICATION:                    These questions also ask for more than just remembering and understanding the information.

                                              These questions as you to use the information.


                                              These questions often involve a diagram. There will usually be one or two of these questions. (about 10 pts each)
















                                     1.  The drawing represents tissue from one of the four major categories.  Identify the category. 

                                     2.  Why do you believe it is that type of tissue ?  (What is a distinguishing characteristic?)



                                     List the three remaining types of tissue.  Give a reason why the diagram could not represent

                                     that particular type of tissue.  (i.e.  what characteristic is not on the diagram above) 

                                      Tissue type                            Characteristic that is NOT in the drawing







Last Updated: 9/9/24