I   Homeostasis Maintenance

            A.  Communication networks

                        1.  nervous system

                        2.  endocrine system

            B.  Neural components of communication network 

                        1.  central nervous system (CNS)

                        2.  peripheral nervous system (PNS)


II   Neural tissue

            A.  Neuroglia

            B.  Neuron structure

                        1.  dendrites, body, axon

                        2.  myelination

            C.  Neuron function

                        1.  excitability

                        2.  neural conduction:  electrical

                                    a.  membrane polarity

                                    b.  Na+   movements

                                    c.  disruptions

                        3.  neural transmission: chemical

                                    a.  synapse

                                    b.  neurotransmitters

                                    c.  disruptions

            D.  Nerve / Tract

                        1.  sensory, motor, mixed


III  Central Nervous System

            A.  Spinal cord

                        1.  gross anatomy

                                    a.  cervical and lumbar enlargements

                                    b.  spinal nerves

                        2.  crossection

                                    a.  white matter; grey matter

                                    b.  dorsal root; ventral root

                        3.  reflexes

                                    a.  characteristics

                                    b.  reflex arc

                        4.  conduction pathways

                        5.  functions 

                                                             link:   Test your reflexes

            B.  Brain        

                        1.  brainstem

                                    a.  medulla, pons, midbrain

                                    b.  reticular formation (RAS)

                        2.  diencephalon

                                    a.  thalamus, hypothalamus

                        3.  cerebrum    

                                    a.  surface features

                                    b.  cerebral cortex

                                                1.  functional areas

                                                2.  mapping the cortex

                        4.  cerebellum

            C.   Protection

                        1.  bone

                        2.  meninges

                                    a.  dura mater, arachnoid mater,  pia mater

                        3.  cerebrospinal fluid

                                    a.  ventricles

                        4.  blood-brain barrier             


IV   Peripheral Nervous System

            A.  Nerves

                        1.  structure (see histology)

                        2.  cranial

                        3.  spinal

            B.  Somatic branch of PNS 

                        1.  voluntary

            C.  Autonomic Branch of PNS 

                        1.  involuntary

                        2.  dual controls

                                    a.  sympathetic

                                    b.  parasympathetic




When you are finished with this unit, you should be able to
- compare communication using the endocrine and nervous system communication in the body
- list the anatomical divisions of the nervous system and the function of each division
- distinguish between a neuron and a neuroglial cell
- draw a neuron and label its parts and list their functions
- describe the formation and conduction of a neural message (impulse)
- explain how an impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another neuron
- contrast a neuron and a nerve
- describe the structure of the spinal cord and its general functions
- draw a reflex arc, labeling the components and what they do
- identify the 4 major regions of the brain
- explain the general function of each of these four regions
- list the different ways the central nervous system is protected
- locate the layers of the meninges
- describe the circulation pathway of CSF
- explain the function of the blood-brain barrier and the structures which form the barrier
- diagram the different relationships between the branches of the peripheral nervous system (PNS)
- determine whether a response is mediated by sympathetic or parasympathetic nerves





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Last Updated: 9/9/24