Bone 1 contains: (A) olecranon fossa, (B) deltoid tuberosity, (C) medial epicondyle.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 2 contains: (A) long spinous processes, (B) transverse facets, and (C) vertebral foramen.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 3 contains: (A) medial malleolus, (B) lateral condyle, and (C) tuberosity.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 4 contains: (A) promontory, (B) superior articular process, and (C) foramina.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 5 contains: (A) acromion, (B) glenoid fossa, and (C) coracoid process.

It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 6 contains: (A) linea aspera, (B) lateral epicondyle, and (C) greater trochanter.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 7 contains: (A) head, and (B) lateral malleolus.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 8 contains: (A) olecranon, (B) head, and (C) styloid process.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 9 contains: (A) acromial end, and (B) sternal end.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 10 contains: (A) lamina, (B) square spinous processes, and (C) large body.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 11 contains: (A) apex, and (B) base.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 12 contains: (A) head, (B) neck, and (C) styloid process.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 13 contains: (A) transverse foramen, (B) bifid spine, and (C) small body.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 14 contains: (A) manubrium, (B) body, and (C) xiphoid process.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 15 contains: (A) subcostal groove, (B) shaft, and (C) head.

It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 16 contains: (A) capitate, (B) pisiform, and (C) triquetral.

It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 17 contains: (A) cuboid, (B) talus, and (C) calcaneous.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 18 contains: (A) greater wings, (B) sella turcica, and (C) lesser wings.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 19 contains: (A) mastoid process, (B) styloid process, and (C) zygomatic process.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 20 contains: (A) mental foramen, (B) condylar process, and (C) coronoid process.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________


Bone 21 contains: (A) cribriform plate, (B) crista galli, and (C) perpendicular plate.

 It is the_____________________ Number in body ________