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World Wide Trends

The following list provides occupational options within each industry

Economic and workplace trends impact the way we do work. In order to prepare yourself for the work world you have to be able to adjust and adapt to the latest trends. It is necessary to become aware of the world around you, watching the news, reading up on your career interests and responding in ways that helps you keep pace with inevitable changes. By being alert to trends you will also find yourself better equipped to take advantage of emerging possibilities, such as new work opportunities, as well as to avoid dead end options.

We exist in a knowledge-based economy. Business is driven by technology and information. As a result, through out your career you’ll need to make sure your skills and your strategies for professional growth are compatible with employment demands. This may require additional training or education, a new way of thinking or a change in profession, but most important it requires that you’re “in the know”. The following is a list of various trends to take into account as you plan your career future.

New economy
Fast paced, constant change, volatile, information driven, less job security and loyalty.
International and interdependent economy leading to a global marketplace. Global competition for jobs and workers.
Changing demographics
Diverse labor force. A growing older population. Increase in women and minorities entering the workforce.
Continued growth in technology
technological advances affect all industries. Changing and more efficient technology will eliminate many jobs and also add new ones requiring higher skills.
Need for lifelong learning
An information economy requires constant education and training. Education requirements for many jobs are increasing.
Working at non-traditional worksites…from home, hotel, and rented locations.
Contingent workforce
Part-time, temporary, contract, out-sourced, non-traditional.
Decline in manufacturing
Automation and other labor saving technology reduces the need for workers.
Occupational structure
Less hierarchical, fewer layers of management, self-managed teams.
Varied working arrangements
Flextime, job sharing, contract work, working from home while connected by technology.
Required competencies
Flexibility, adaptable, self-managing, innovative, good communicator, adept at problem solving, resourceful.